Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blog Post #11

What Can We Learn About Teaching and Learning From These Teachers?

Balloon with Camera

  • Brian Crosby
  • Mr. Paul Andersen
  • Mark Church
  • Sam Pane
  • Dean Shareski
  • Roosevelt Elementary PBL Program

In Back to The Future by Brian Crosby we learn about teaching kids to be passionate. Brian demonstrates how he uses project-based learning in his classroom. When Brian starts the school year most of the students don't even know what country they live in. Brian gets the students involved and excited to learn. They use blogging to connect to other students around the world. They get excited to share what they have learned. Some of the tools Brian uses in his classroom are:
  • Class Blog
  • Skype
  • Flickr
  • Videos
  • Class Wiki
Brian points out that we need to stop "racing kids through school". We need to make it meaningful and motivating.

Mr. Paul Anderson's video the Blended Learning Cycle explains how he uses the blended learning cycle. Mr. Anderson explains that his class is made up of online, mobile and classroom learning. He created an antonym on how he creates a lesson and makes sure that his students understand what they are learning. 
Q- Question-What is your hook?
U- Investigation/Inquiry-Students research and discuss answers
V- Video-Watch videos to learn more
E- Elaboration-Use diagrams and read the text
R- Review
S- Summary Quiz

Making Thinking Visible, is a quick video by Mark Church. Mark Church exemplifies how we can get students to use critical thinking. He has his students work together in small groups to answer an important question. Two weeks later he returns to the question to see if they still feel the same about their answer.

Comic LifeSam Pane is teaching his students to become digital citizens in this video clip Sam Pane 4th Grade. Sam asked his students a question and has them whisper at their tables. He then has the students create their own superhero teaching digital citizenship. The students have fun creating characters. He explains that it allows them to feel ownership and is a meaningful activity. They then share their characters and what their characters have to say about digital citizenship.

In Project Based Learning Dean Shareski shows us that we can combine different subjects into one project. Several teachers collaborate on a project for their students. This allows the students to have more time to spend learning. It gives the students a deeper understand. 

After watching the video Roosevelt Elementary's PBL Program, I learned that Project Based Learning teaches real world problem-solving. Students learn public speaking at an early age. Some benefits of project-based learning are:
  • Student Choice/Student Ownership
  • 21st Century Skills
  • Community Participation
  • An instructional Approach/Multiple Intelligences
  • Student Engagement

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Blog Post #10

What Can We Learn From Mrs. Cassidy?

In Little Kids...Big Potential we watch Kathy Cassidy's first-grade class in action. The children are excited to use technology in their classroom. They enjoy writing on their blog because other people can see it and comment on it. The students also use:
  • Web Searching
  • Wikis
  • Videos
  • Skype
  • Nintendo DS
In the three interview videos with Dr. Strange and Mrs. Cassidy, we learn how Mrs. Cassidy uses technology in her classroom. (Interview with Kathy Cassidy Part 1, Interview with Kathy Cassidy Part 2, Interview with Kathy Cassidy Part 3) Mrs. Cassidy uses a classroom blog for her students. Depending on the year and the amount of students she has they use the blog once or twice a week. The blog helps them with their reading and writing. It also helps them connect with an audience. Mrs. Cassidy explains that the children feel proud of their work when they know other people are looking at it. Her Blog is also a way that the students parents can see what they have been working on. I really like how Mrs. Cassidy has a class website. The website is a hub for the students to start out at. From there they can click on the different links that Mrs. Cassidy has provided for them. I think that I would like to try this in my future classroom. I think that some parents and myself would be concerned with internet safety. I like the tips that Mrs. Cassidy gave:
  • No last names
  • Always say positive things when commenting
  • Do not click on sidebar links
  • Do not add names to pictures
Kids BloggingThere are many benefits to using technology in the classroom. Technology is not going away and this is the world that these children live in. We can teach them how to find information and how to use the internet safely. The children learn to collaborate and share. Students are able to connect with other students and experts from around the world.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

C4K Summary for March

The blog assignment was to choose a picture exemplifying black history month. Mike chose a famous professional football player, Barry Sanders. Mike wrote about Barry Sanders as a "former American football running back who spent his entire professional career with the Detroit Lions of the National Football League." He wrote a short biography and pointed out several of Barry Sanders accomplishments.

My Comment:
Hi Mike, my name is Patricia Tremblay and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am studying to become a teacher. I think you did a great job on your blog. I didn’t see the title that represented the blog assignment, but I believe it was for the black history photo challenge. I like how you clearly summarized Barry Sanders football career. He had a lot of great accomplishments. Keep up the good work with your blogging!

Our class blog http://edm310.blogspot.com

The blog assignment was to share their experience of taking the standardized test called PLAN. 

Richard reflects on taking the PLAN test. He said that he studied but not the night before. He explains that you would be tired if you studied the night before and he thinks you need rest. He said if he took it again he would bring something to eat and drink.

My Comment:

Hi Richard, my name is Patricia Tremblay and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am studying to become a teacher. I think you did a great job on your blog. I think that is great advice to not stay up late studying the night before the test. I agree that sleep is more important and will help you think clearly. Keep up the good work!

Mrs. Lombard 7th Grade English Class-Oklahoma

Treasure W

Treasure wrote a review of the book Requiem by Lauren Oliver. Requiem is the third book in the trilogy Delirium. Treasure did an excellent job summarizing the book and explaining that it is an adventure book with a love interest. She said that she loved the book so much that it was hard to put the book down.

My Comment:
Hi Treasure, my name is Patricia Tremblay and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am studying to become a teacher. I loved your summary of Requiem! I am definitely going to read the Delirium series now! I also love these types of books and I am currently re-reading the Legend series by Marie Lu. Keep up the great work!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blog Post #9

What Can Teachers and Students Teach Us About Project Based Learning?

Project Based Learning

In the Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning  by John Larmer and John R. Mergendoller we learn that it is important to make projects meaningful. There are the seven steps that are recommended to accomplish this.
  1. A Need to Know-Educational Purpose-An entry event can get the students interested
  2. Have a good driving question
  3. Student Voice and Choice
  4. 21st Century Skills for project presentation
  5. Student Inquiry
  6. Feedback and Revision-critique each other's work
  7. Present Project to a real Audience
Einstein QuoteProject Based Learning For Teachers by Tony Vincent gives a good overview of standards and PBL meeting standards. Vincent emphasizes having a driving question, collaboration, and communication skills. He also points out that students develop critical thinking skills and career skills. Questioning, investigating, sharing, and reflecting are key steps to project-based learning. Technology also plays a huge part. Students will use power point, Glogster, class dojo, moviemaker, meeting words and more to work on and present their projects. "Students take charge of their learning". I think this is a great way for students to really absorb new information and learn to problem solve and think on their own.

In What Motivates Students? we hear from students talking about what their teachers do to motivate them and what personally motivates them to do well in school. A lot of the children want to make good grades so that they can get a good job when they grow up. I enjoyed hearing the different rewards that teachers give their student for doing well. Some teachers give candy and some give trinkets such as stickers and pencils. I like the reward system of earning pretend money and then buying things from a class store every Friday.

Michael Gorman writes about collaboration for PBL projects and tools on the web in Ten Sites Supporting Digital Classroom Collaboration in Project Based Learning
  • Titan Pad
  • Wall Wisher
  • Corkboardme
  • Google Docs
  • Microsoft Live
  • Today's Meet
  • Will You Type With Me
  • Linoit
  • Skype
  • Quick Screen Share  
This is a great resource of web tools that I will look back to when teaching in my future classroom. Most of the tools I had not heard of.

In Two Students Solve the problem of Watery Ketchup By Designing A New Cap  video we students who came up with their own driving question. The boys both love ketchup and both wanted to solve the problem of watery squirts of ketchup. Their first step was to brainstorm and sketch out some ideas. They came up with a solution and created it. The boys were proud of their work and talked about how they enjoyed the class. I think this type of project-based learning is a great way to get students to use critical thinking skills and be proud of their work.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

C4T#2 Summary

Summary of Kathleen Morris's Blog Post #1

The 2014 New School Year

Kathleen Morris is a teacher in Victoria, Austrailia. It is January and their school year is just starting. Mrs. Morris just had a baby and will not be returning to teach this year. To stay in the education loop, she is using online tools such as blogger and twitter. She also lists some helpful websites to get teachers started on classroom blogging.

My Comment:
Mrs. Morris, My name is Patricia Tremblay and I am taking EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I think it is wonderful that you are getting to stay at home with your baby. I also stayed at home with all three of my children and have returned to school to become a teacher. Thank you for the helpful links for starting a classroom blog.
EDM 310 Class Blog
My Blog

Summary of Kathleen Morris's Blog Post #2

Blogging and the Literacy Curriculum

Mrs. Morris explains that classroom blogging should be planned for and added to the curriculum. When her students first started blogging they were squeezing it into transitioning times and not making enough time for it. They were also able to provide all students in her class with a device in the classroom to blog. She explains that having enough resources is important. They use their blogging time as part of their literacy block and focus their blogs on what they are currently reading or writing.

My Comment:
Mrs. Morris, My name is Patricia Tremblay and I am taking EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I think it is great that blogging has been worked into the curriculum of your classroom. I am looking forward to using a classroom blog in my future classroom. Your information has been very helpful.

Blog Post #8

What Can We Learn About Teaching and Learning?

The Last Lecture/Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

After watching Randy Pausch's video called The Last Lecture or Achieving Your Childhood Dreams, I learned about enabling the dreams of others. Randy doesn't only speak about how to achieve your own dreams but how important it is, especially as educators, to help others achieve their dreams. His talk is really an inspirational story about how people should live their lives. Randy explains that people should:

  • tell the truth
  • be earnest
  • apologize
  • focus on others
  • show gratitude
  • don't complain just work harder
  • be good at something
  • work hard
  • find the best in everybody
Randy Pausch

Randy talks about teaching a course at Carnegie Melon and the things that he learned from his students. I like how he said, "The best way to teach someone is to make them think they are learning something else." I think this is where technology comes in. Children are using technology at home. It is something that they can relate to. If we use it in the classroom they will be learning and having fun at the same time. Pausch explains that we need to break the mold, have fun and set the bar high!