My Personal Learning Network was created with Symbaloo.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Friday, April 24, 2015
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Blog Post #13
What Did I Leave Out?
For Blog Post #13 I have created an assignment titled, "How can Technology be used in a classroom with English as a Second Language Learners?" The assignment is to watch the videos and read the articles listed and then answer the driving question. To complete the assignment myself, I created a Symbaloo Webmix before answering the question.
How can Technology be used in a classroom with English as a Second Language Learners?
After watching the video Visual ESL/EFL Learning With Technolgy I learned that most ESL learners are visual learners. They learn best with images and graphics. Visual learning can help them understand vocabulary and content. Some of the technology that can be used with ESL students are:
- Tablets
- Laptops/Computers
- Smartboards
- Movies/Video Clips
In Top 5 Technology Tools for ELL Teachers we learn about the top tools for teaching ESL students. These tools are beneficial to any classroom. We need to make sure we are teaching for the future and not the past and our classrooms should reflect a 21 century classroom. We need to increase comprehensibility, interaction and thinking skills. Listed are the top resources for ESL learners:
- Blogging
- Skype
- Web 2.0
- Apps on iPads
Support ELL Learners with Scannable Technolgy explains how scannable technology such as iPads or phones with the QR app can be beneficial for students learning English as a second language. One way to use the scannable barcodes is on a word wall. The students scan the word and then listen to an audio clip on how to pronounce the word. Vocab words can also be scannable. Students are given a list of codes to scan and study. Sometimes they have video clips to support the words.
In Literacy Through Photography for English Language Learners we are shown a different approach for teaching literacy to ESL students. The students analyze pictures instead of text. Students examine the photos and describe what they see. It helps them improve their storytelling and writing.
Blogging for English Language Learners explains why blogging is beneficial for ESL students. Blogging gives the students a voice and an audience.In an ESL classroom blogging can also help with:
- Clarifications
- Understanding
- Communication
- Language development
- Parent-student engagement
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Blog Post #12
What assistive technologies are available to you as a teacher?
Symbaloo Assistive Technology |
This was a collaborative project by,
Sarah Sanders
Mercedi Thomley
Patricia Tremblay
As a group, we discussed the many options for adding assistive technology to the classroom for students who are visually or hearing impaired. We created a Symbaloo Webmix Page, where we then each contributed useful and informative information. All of our research can be found here with links.
Some of the resources and products that I found helpful were:
- Dragon Dictation App- is an easy to use voice recognition app that allows you to easily speak your text or email messages.
- Braille Touch App-This app allows users to type on their touchscreen using braille.
- eBeam Interactive Education Solution-The eBeam is like a portable Smart Board and can be played on any type of surface.
- Snail-Braille Reading Tool-The Snail is a small rolling device that quickly and easily translate Braille into spoken words.
- The Readot-Touching Pictures Scanner- is a scanner that takes in images and text, the raises the appropriate series of dots on its tactile surface to recreate the original.
- Resources for the Educational Use of Ipads- This is a great website that list some different iPad technology for the deaf and blind and also has webinars to learn how to use them.
- 15 Best Ipad Apps for Blind Kids- This is a great article about apps for small children who are blind or visually impaired. Several of them help with cause and effect and visual attention.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
C4K Summary for April
Mrs. Lombard's 7th Grade Class Blog-Oklahoma
Mary S.
Mary's blog was about a book called "Summer Promise" by Robin Jones Gunn. Mary described the book without giving away the end of the story. She really enjoyed the story even though she described some of the parts as "cheesy".
My Comment:
Hi Mary, my name is Patricia Tremblay and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am studying to become a teacher. I think you did a great job summarizing the book without giving too much away. I am intrigued to know what the adversity was. Keep up the good work.
My Comment:
Hi Mary, my name is Patricia Tremblay and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am studying to become a teacher. I think you did a great job summarizing the book without giving too much away. I am intrigued to know what the adversity was. Keep up the good work.
Ms. Thomas's Class Blog-Prince George, MD
Sean's blog was titled My Grades. He wrote: I really like the way my grades are looking but I will like to change some of my grades.
My Comment:
Hi Sean, my name is Patricia Tremblay and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am studying to become a teacher. I can relate to your blog about grades. I also feel like my grades are looking good, but there are a couple of subjects where I need to improve my scores. What will you do to improve yours?
Ms. Thomas's Class Blog-Prince George, MD
Gabby ily's blog was titled Kindness. She wrote: When I didn't say a nice thing about Londyn but she was cool anyways.
My Comment:
Hi Gabby ily, my name is Patricia Tremblay and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am studying to become a teacher. I'm glad that you recognized that you said something that was not nice to your friend. We all do that sometimes. You have a good friend if she showed you forgiveness. Sometimes we say things and are joking but it really does hurt the other person's feelings. I'm sure you said you were sorry. Continue to work on saying nice things to your friends and I am sure you will be friends forever.
C4T#3 Summary
Summary of Kathleen Morris's Blog Post #1
Looking Back, Looking Forward
Kathleen Morris blogs about her last week teaching before her maternity leave. She is looking forward to being a mom. As she cleans out her classroom she is reflecting back on teaching. One of the things that make her cringe is all the busywork worksheets she used to create. Now she feels that worksheets do not make an effective calssroom. She wonders what the future classrooms will look like. With technology most work a\can be stored on computers. Students can create their own projects and find their own resources. She also explains that more time should be spent in the students direct work environment than on classroom decorations and bulletin boards.
My Comment:
Mrs. Morris, My name is Patricia Tremblay and I am taking EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed reading your blog and found a lot of useful information. I like how you pointed out that worksheets are "busy work" and that hands-on, authentic, collaborative, open end tasks have a much bigger impact. I hope that in my future classroom that I will be able to use the same theory.
EDM 310 Class Blog
My Blog
Summary of Kathleen Morris's Blog Post #2
There's Blogging and There's Blogging
Mrs. Morris writes about how classroom and student blogging should be done. She believes students should write in a class blog before having their own. She also feels that there should be structure and that standards should be set high. The blog's purpose should be to help the students improve learning outcomes. She also says to monitor that the students skills are growing and that they are also commenting on other blogs.
My Comment:
Mrs. Morris, My name is Patricia Tremblay and I am taking EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I also agree that the students should be blogging to help improve learning outcomes. I think that it will be important to monitor the students as they are blogging and to make sure they are growing their skills. Thank you for the great advice and I hope that I will be able to use it in my future classroom.
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