Thursday, April 9, 2015

C4K Summary for April

Mrs. Lombard's 7th Grade Class Blog-Oklahoma

Mary S.

Mary's blog was about a book called "Summer Promise" by Robin Jones Gunn. Mary described the book without giving away the end of the story. She really enjoyed the story even though she described some of the parts as "cheesy". 

My Comment:
Hi Mary, my name is Patricia Tremblay and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am studying to become a teacher. I think you did a great job summarizing the book without giving too much away. I am intrigued to know what the adversity was. Keep up the good work.

Ms. Thomas's Class Blog-Prince George, MD


Sean's blog was titled My Grades. He wrote: I really like the way my grades are looking but I will like to change some of my grades.

My Comment:
Hi Sean,  my name is Patricia Tremblay and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am studying to become a teacher. I can relate to your blog about grades. I also feel like my grades are looking good, but there are a couple of subjects where I need to improve my scores. What will you do to improve yours?

Ms. Thomas's Class Blog-Prince George, MD

Gabby ily's blog was titled Kindness. She wrote: When I didn't say a nice thing about Londyn but she was cool anyways. 

My Comment:
Hi Gabby ily,  my name is Patricia Tremblay and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am studying to become a teacher. I'm glad that you recognized that you said something that was not nice to your friend. We all do that sometimes. You have a good friend if she showed you forgiveness. Sometimes we say things and are joking but it really does hurt the other person's feelings. I'm sure you said you were sorry. Continue to work on saying nice things to your friends and I am sure you will be friends forever.

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