Thursday, April 9, 2015

C4T#3 Summary

Summary of Kathleen Morris's Blog Post #1

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Mrs. MorrisKathleen Morris blogs about her last week teaching before her maternity leave. She is looking forward to being a mom. As she cleans out her classroom she is reflecting back on teaching. One of the things that make her cringe is all the busywork worksheets she used to create. Now she feels that worksheets do not make an effective calssroom. She wonders what the future classrooms will look like. With technology most work a\can be stored on computers. Students can create their own projects and find their own resources. She also explains that more time should be spent in the students direct work environment than on classroom decorations and bulletin boards.

My Comment:
Mrs. Morris, My name is Patricia Tremblay and I am taking EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed reading your blog and found a lot of useful information. I like how you pointed out that worksheets are "busy work" and that hands-on, authentic, collaborative, open end tasks have a much bigger impact. I hope that in my future classroom that I will be able to use the same theory.
EDM 310 Class Blog
My Blog

Summary of Kathleen Morris's Blog Post #2

There's Blogging and There's Blogging

Mrs. Morris writes about how classroom and student blogging should be done. She believes students should write in a class blog before having their own. She also feels that there should be structure and that standards should be set high. The blog's purpose should be to help the students improve learning outcomes. She also says to monitor that the students skills are growing and that they are also commenting on other blogs

My Comment:
Mrs. Morris, My name is Patricia Tremblay and I am taking EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I also agree that the students should be blogging to help improve learning outcomes. I think that it will be important to monitor the students as they are blogging and to make sure they are growing their skills. Thank you for the great advice and I hope that I will be able to use it in my future classroom.

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