Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Blog Post #13

What Did I Leave Out?

For Blog Post #13 I have created an assignment titled, "How can Technology be used in a classroom with English as a Second Language Learners?" The assignment is to watch the videos and read the articles listed and then answer the driving question. To complete the assignment myself, I created a Symbaloo Webmix before answering the question. 

How can Technology be used in a classroom with English as a Second Language Learners?

After watching the video Visual ESL/EFL Learning With Technolgy I learned that most ESL learners are visual learners. They learn best with images and graphics. Visual learning can help them understand vocabulary and content. Some of the technology that can be used with ESL students are:
  • Tablets
  • Laptops/Computers
  • Smartboards
  • Movies/Video Clips

In Top 5 Technology Tools for ELL Teachers we learn about the top tools for teaching ESL students. These tools are beneficial to any classroom. We need to make sure we are teaching for the future and not the past and our classrooms should reflect a 21 century classroom. We need to increase comprehensibility, interaction and thinking skills. Listed are the top resources for ESL learners:
  • Twitter
  • Blogging
  • Skype
  • Web 2.0
  • Apps on iPads
Support ELL Learners with Scannable Technolgy explains how scannable technology such as iPads or phones with the QR app can be beneficial for students learning English as a second language. One way to use the scannable barcodes is on a word wall. The students scan the word and then listen to an audio clip on how to pronounce the word. Vocab words can also be scannable. Students are given a list of codes to scan and study. Sometimes they have video clips to support the words.

In Literacy Through Photography for English Language Learners we are shown a different approach for teaching literacy to ESL students. The students analyze pictures instead of text. Students examine the photos and describe what they see. It helps them improve their storytelling and writing.

BloggingBlogging for English Language Learners explains why blogging is beneficial for ESL students. Blogging gives the students a voice and an audience.In an ESL classroom blogging can also help with:

  • Clarifications
  • Understanding
  • Communication
  • Language development
  • Parent-student engagement

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