How Do We All Become Learners?

In Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten, we learn that iMovie is being used in the kindergarten classroom. Kindergarten students are using iPads to take pictures of the books they are reading and then use the app iMovie to make a book trailer. This is a center in their classroom. The students love to create these projects and share them with their peers.
We also learn that the students are using AVL. AVL is the Alabama Virtual Library. Anyone with a library card from the state of Alabama can use this free service. Students use this website for research.
In We All Become Learners, Dr. Strange, Elizabeth and Michelle talk about how sometimes the students teach the teacher. In this video, Elizabeth talks about the kindergarten student that taught her how to take a picture of herself. They use an app called Padlet. Sometimes the librarians teach the students how to do something and then the students explain it to their teacher. They are all learning from each other.
In iPads in the Classroom, we learn what an ipad can do in the classroom. Some examples were:
- Virtual field trips
- ABC magnetic alphabet app
- word processing
- Iconverse (used for special ed)
The special ed students took a trip to the grocery store and used an app called Iconverse. It helped them with their shopping list and at the end of their shopping trip helped them thank the clerk.
In Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education, we learn 10 reasons why technology is important to the future of education
- Students love it! (Engaged!)
- Engages 4 Key Components (active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback, connection to real-world experts)
- Professional Development
- Makes Life Easier for Teachers
- Improves Test Scores
- Helps Students with Low Attention Spans
- Learn from the Experts
- Encourages Homework
- Saves Money
- Removes Obstacles
Hey Patricia, I thought you did an excellent job on your post. I like the quote you used when talking about age difference "barriers go down and we all learn". Also, I too would want to have a good understanding about technology for educational proposes before I graduate.